Lehigh Valley students part of international CHANCE 罗马尼亚 summer program group


Twenty-four students from the United States and European Union spent two weeks conducting and presenting research around sustainability issues affecting the Danube River Delta in 罗马尼亚 as part of Penn State’s CHANCE Program. 


宾州中央谷. -多瑙河及其三角洲全长1公里,800英里,穿越10个国家, 包括德国, 匈牙利, 罗马尼亚, 保加利亚和塞尔维亚. Heavily polluted when neighboring countries were industrializing under Soviet rule, 该地区在20世纪90年代开始恢复. 今天, 杀虫剂等新的环境风险, micro-plastics and industrial waste are threatening the delta’s delicate sustainability once again. 24名大学生, the Danube Delta served as both a classroom and field laboratory for two weeks over the summer. 

The students — selected from Penn State and nations throughout the European Union (E.U.) — were in 罗马尼亚 as part of the Penn State Connecting Humans and Nature Through Conservation Experiences (CHANCE) Program.  CHANCE consists of two elements — international online and field courses — with a core pedagogical approach that blends real-world, 环境研究与保护工作.  

多瑙河三角洲由广阔的沼泽组成, 芦苇, 岛屿, 和泛滥平原, 形成了一个有价值的天然缓冲区, 过滤掉多瑙河上的污染物, helping to improve the status of the north-western Black Sea's vulnerable waters,杰奎琳·麦克劳克林说, CHANCE founding director and professor of biology at 中国博彩平台 (PSU-LV). “它也是生物多样性的天堂,300 registered flora and fauna species — a natural genetic bank with inestimable value for our global natural heritage.”  

今年春天, 麦克劳林解释说, all student participants worked online to learn about five key topics affecting the ecological status of the Danube Delta — nutrient overload (algal blooms), 有机水污染, 土地利用转型, 生物多样性的丧失, 微生物污染. 这些主题与当今的环境目标一致.U. Water Framework Directive and Danube River Basin Management Plan and served as the basis for their field research in 罗马尼亚. 进一步准备实地工作,同时参与网上, 然后,学生们被分到五个跨国团队中的一个, 每个都聚焦于上面的一个关键主题, 更多地了解他们所分配地区的实际情况. 罗马尼亚顶尖科研人员, 学生指定的重点领域的专家, 指导每个团队.  

在他们的网上准备之后, the students and their mentors then met this summer in 罗马尼亚 to carry out their field work wherein each team devised its own unique research question, 设计自己的实验, 然后完成他们的研究,麦克劳克林说. The Penn State students selected for this program were split amongst the five transnational teams.  

普林斯顿的宝石, a past 中国博彩平台 student who is now a senior majoring in chemical engineering at University Park, 她说,在罗马尼亚生活和工作的经历是“革命性的”.他是研究营养过剩小组的一员.  对于他们的研究, the students looked at three different Danube Delta lake complexes and evaluated the ecological status and trophic health of each, 尤其是化肥和人类排泄物等污染物的影响.

“我们有机会把我们的研究一直进行下去. 我们有33个样本, 扭转了我们的结果, 使连接, 在两周半的时间里完成了我们的演讲,比尤说. “我们设法在很短的时间内从头到尾做到了这一切.”   

Allison Lonkart的小组研究微生物学, specifically E-coli concentrations and antibiotic resistant variants in one of the delta river complexes. “We found all the levels were below the threshold of concern except for one that was near a farm,这位来自中国博彩平台约克分校生物学专业的大三学生说. “那里的水质非常好, 我们观察到植物多的时候, 大肠杆菌浓度较低.”

CHANCE has enriched Lonkart’s college experience: “I thought the CHANCE course structure was one of the best I’ve had,”她说。. “我很兴奋地学习,我们正在做一些有用的事情. 我们做的不仅仅是忙碌的工作,我们做的是真正的工作.” 

这次经历对Arlo Nemerson来说既具有教育意义又鼓舞人心, 她是帕克大学地球与矿物科学专业的大三学生, 哪个小组研究了土地利用转型.

“事实证明,与CHANCE团队的合作确实丰富了我的生活,”内默森说. “第一手, I experienced the immense value of teamwork and cultural exchange while also strengthening my problem-solving skills within a research context. This experience not only boosted my confidence in asking and answering scientific questions, but also enhanced my personal adaptability and resilience in unfamiliar environments.” 

The students presented their findings at the inaugural 2023 CHANCE 罗马尼亚 Undergraduate 研究 Symposium at the University of Bucharest amphitheater on July 14. The students gave oral presentations with their research groups, followed by a Q&A. 这是一场国际性的活动,嘉宾们可以亲自或在线参加. Collaborating with students from around the globe was one of the highlights of the program for the Penn State students.

“The international aspect and having to work together to solve sustainability issues was probably the most important aspect,Alex Kociuba说, 最近从PSU-LV生物学专业转到University Park, 哪个小组研究了有机水污染. “在这么短的时间内组建了一个功能强大的团队, when you’re all coming from different parts of the world — it was amazing that we all came together to fulfill our research objectives to impact sustainability.”  

“Most students never get to experience another country, its people, and their cultures. 除了能够给学生提供这些机会, CHANCE offers students connections with nature such that they bask in its biodiversity and marvel over its purpose,麦克劳克林说. “They also get to research important issues that are negatively affecting nature [in areas like the Danube Delta] and can professionally diagnose its ecological status and sustainability then advocate, 如果有必要的话, 为利益相关者提供环保措施.”  

有关CHANCE的更多中国博彩平台,请联系McLaughlin (电子邮件保护) or 访问该计划的网站.
